Decoding Mercari Terms~Master the Key Vocabulary for Shopping~
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Decoding Mercari Terms~Master the Key Vocabulary for Shopping~

公開日: December 02, 2024
更新日: January 17, 2025

In the previous article, we introduced tips on how to avoid scams on Mercari: "Mercari Scam Prevention Guide~Easily Avoid Common Traps!~" This time, we will introduce some common terms used on Mercari!


Previously, we compiled a "Exploring the Yahoo! Auction Glossary~Master the Vocabulary as You Shop~," where we covered common terms like "seller (出品者)," "buyer (購入者)," and "product condition (商品の状態)." Many of these terms are shared between Mercari and Yahoo! Auction. However, Mercari also has its own unique expressions and rules, such as the so-called "seller's individual rules (出品者独自ルール)," which might be confusing not only for overseas users but even for Japanese users.

We will introduce Mercari-related terms by category. If you're interested, keep reading!


1Common Terms


  • 即購入:Immediate purchase. This refers to the feature that allows buyers to immediately purchase a product.
  • まとめ買い:Bulk purchase. When a buyer wants to purchase multiple items from the same seller, they can inform the seller of the items they wish to buy and the desired price, and request a "bulk purchase." If the seller agrees, the items will be consolidated into a new listing. Once the buyer completes the purchase of that item, the bulk purchase process is complete.


2 Shipping Costs and Methods

Below are reference images, please note that not all of the listed terms are included.

  • 配送料の負担:Refers to the party responsible for covering the shipping cost.
  • 送料込み(出品者負担):Shipping included (the seller covers the shipping cost).
  • 着払い(購入者負担):Cash on delivery (the buyer covers the shipping cost).
  • 梱包:The packaging method for the product.
  • 圧縮梱包:Compressed packaging. A method of packaging the product by compressing it to save space. For example, compressed packaging of plush toys may result in deformation or flattening. If you're concerned about this, it's recommended to avoid purchasing items with such descriptions.
  • 匿名配送:Anonymous shipping. A shipping method where neither the seller nor the buyer reveals their name or address, allowing the transaction to be completed without disclosing personal details.
  • らくらくメルカリ便 / ゆうゆうメルカリ便:Mercari’s unique shipping service, specified by the seller.
  • 発送元の地域:Shipping origin region.
  • 発送までの日数:The number of days required to ship the product after the order is confirmed. Some highly rated sellers may ship the product within 24 hours after order confirmation.


3 Seller's Specified Product Condition and Description

The way product condition is expressed on Mercari is generally the same as on Yahoo! Auction. For detailed information, please refer to the "Exploring the Yahoo! Auction Glossary~Master the Vocabulary as You Shop~" in the section on "5 Specialized Terms for Product Condition Levels". Here, we specifically highlight commonly used Japanese terms related to product conditions (especially regarding damage) on Mercari. Please note that product descriptions are defined by the seller, so they may not always be precise. If you have any concerns, feel free to consult BEX Market.

  • 美品:Items in excellent condition.
  • 新品:A brand-new item that has never been used.
  • タグ付き:The item retains its original purchase tag from the time of purchase.
  • 傷/キズ:Has scratches.
  • 汚れ:Has stains.
  • 破れ:Has tears or damages.
  • 割れ:Has cracks.
  • 欠け:Has missing pieces.
  • 歪み:Has distortion or deformation.
  • 素人保管:Amateur storage. This means the item has been stored in a regular way without special care.
  • 自宅保管:Home storage. Similar to the above, this refers to items that have been stored at home or personally by the seller.
  • 経年劣化:Aging or wear and tear that occurs over time.
  • 神経質な方はご遠慮願います:This means that if buyers are very particular about details such as condition or smell, the seller advises avoiding purchasing the item. It is a protective measure for the buyer to avoid unreasonable returns.
  • 喫煙者なし、ペットなし:No smokers, no pets. This means the seller and their family members are non-smokers and do not have pets, so the item should not have any smoke or pet odors. "なし" indicates "no" in Japanese.


4 Seller's Rating



  • 出品者バッジ:Seller badge. Mercari's administration assigns different badges based on factors such as buyer reviews, response speed, and shipping speed. These badges reflect the seller's reputation and service quality. Sellers cannot choose to display or hide their badges, so it's a good way to assess whether to purchase from them.
  • 本人確認済み:Verified identity. The seller has submitted identity verification documents and passed the certification.
  • 高評価:High rating. Refers to a seller who has received positive reviews in recent transactions.
  • 24時間以内発送:Ships within 24 hours.
  • 12時間以内返信:Responds within 12 hours.
  • まとめ買い対応実績あり:Has experience handling bulk purchases.


5 Seller's Individual Rules(独自ルール)


Individual Rules refer to the rules set by the sellers based on their personal preferences, rather than Mercari's official guidelines. These rules may sometimes violate Mercari's regulations, so it's important to pay close attention before making a purchase.


  • 購入前にコメントください:Please leave a comment before purchasing. This is a rule set by the seller to request buyers to confirm with the seller before making a purchase, ensuring a smooth transaction.
  • プロフ必読:Please read the seller’s profile. The seller asks buyers to read the individual rules listed on the seller's profile page before making a purchase. This is to facilitate smooth communication and transactions between both parties.
  • 〇〇様専用:Reserved for Mr./Ms. 〇〇. When a seller has agreed with a specific buyer and reserved an item, the item description or image may show "〇〇様専用," indicating that the item is reserved for that particular buyer.
  • ノークレーム (NC)、ノーリターン (NR)、ノーキャンセル (NC):No Returns (NR), No Cancellations (NC). These terms are often used in seller descriptions, but they are actually prohibited on Mercari. Even if there is an issue with the product, stating "no returns accepted" is not valid. However, if the product is fine and the buyer requests a return for personal reasons, there is a high chance that the return will not be accepted, so please pay special attention.


That concludes the Mercari glossary. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced user, you can refer to this content for helpful guidance!


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