Exploring the Yahoo! Auction Glossary~Master the Vocabulary as You Shop~
There are many specialized terms on Yahoo! Auction Japan, and for first-time auction participants, it can certainly feel overwhelming, not knowing where to start.
But don't worry! We've gathered many of the terms you'll encounter on Yahoo! Auction Japan. Let's go through them one by one below!
For details on how to use auctions via BEX Market, check out our recent article, "A Complete Guide to Using Japan Yahoo! Auction ~ Affordable and Secure Online Shopping Tips ~"!
The explanations for the specialized terms are as follows:
Japanese Term: English Translation. Additional explanation. (if needed)
If the Japanese term has multiple meanings, the English translation will be written as "English Translation 1 / English Translation 2."
1 Yahoo! Auction Commonly Used Terms
- 出品者:Seller
- 入札:Bidding / Participating in an Auction
- 入札者:Bidder
- 落札:Winning the Bid
- 落札者:Winning Bidder
- 今すぐ落札:Buy Now. Refers to the price set by the seller that allows the item to be purchased immediately without bidding. Some sellers may not set this option, so it might not always be available.
2 Yahoo! Auction Specialized Terms on Auction Item Pages
When you find an item you're interested in on Yahoo! Auction and view its product page, you can check detailed information about the item, the seller, and bidding-related details.

- 【新品】…:Item Name
- 未使用:Unused. Refers to items that are unopened or have not been used for an extended period since purchase, essentially in brand-new condition. For definitions of the product condition levels, please refer to the section "5. Specialized Terms for Product Condition Levels" below.
- ⭐️ウォッチ/ウォッチリスト:Watch List. Add auction items you're interested in to your list, so you can easily check the bidding status later.
- 現在(現在の価格):Current Price. The current bidding price in the auction.
- 即決(今すぐ落札する):Buy Now. The option to purchase the item immediately without bidding .
- 送料:Shipping Fee. Refers mostly to domestic shipping costs within Japan.
3 Yahoo! Auction Specialized Terms for Product Information

- カテゴリー:Category. For example, a Chikawa clutch bag is categorized as "ファッション(Fashion) > レディースバッグ(Women's Bags) > ポーチ(Clutch Bags)."
- 製品情報:Product Information. Some items may provide detailed information such as the manufacturer, brand, series, etc.
- スペック:Specifications. Detailed information regarding the product's features and attributes.
- 価格相場を見る:View Market Auction History. Clicking this allows you to check the past winning bid price history.
- 状態:Product Condition. For details, please refer to the section below on "5. Specialized Terms for Product Condition Levels".
- 個数:Quantity
- 返品:Returns / Return Policy
- 返品不可:Non-returnable
- 返品可:Returnable
- 一部条件付き返品可:Returnable under Certain Conditions. Please note that this usually refers to items that can be returned if they have defects or serious issues, but not due to the buyer's personal reasons.
- 自動延長:Auto Extension. If the current bid price increases within the last 5 minutes of the auction, the end time will be extended by 5 minutes. If the price increases again after that, the end time will continue to be extended in 5-minute intervals.
- 早期終了:Early End. Refers to the seller's option to end the auction early, allowing the highest bidder at that moment to win the item.
- 開始価格:Starting Price. The price set by the seller at the beginning of the auction.
- 開始日時:Start Date and Time. Refers to the date and time when the auction begins.
- 終了日時:End Date and Time. Refers to the date and time when the auction ends.
- オークションID:Auction ID. A unique identification number automatically assigned to each listed auction, consisting of 8 to 11 alphanumeric characters (e.g., a12345678).
4 Yahoo! Auction Specialized Terms for Shipping Methods and Fees

- 送料負担:Person Responsible for Shipping Fees: If it is written as "中標者(落札者)" (winning bidder), it means that the winning bidder is responsible for the shipping fees. If it is written as "出品者" (seller), it means that the seller is responsible for the shipping fees.
- 配送情報: Shipping Information
- 発送元:Shipping Origin
- 発送開始:Shipping Start Period. The specified period or timeframe when the seller will begin shipping the item.
- 海外発送:International Shipping. Generally, this service is not offered.
- 対応しません:Service Not Provided
- 全国一律:Flat Rate for Domestic Shipping. This means that the shipping fee is the same regardless of the destination within Japan. For example, in the case mentioned, the flat rate for domestic shipping is 410 JPY.
5 Specialized Terms for Product Condition Levels
Please note that the product condition levels are provided by Yahoo! Auction, but the description of the product condition is determined by the seller based on their own judgment, so it should be used as a reference only. When placing a bid, please verify the item’s images and descriptions to ensure they meet your expectations.
- 未使用:Unused. A brand-new item that is either unopened or has not been used for a long time since purchase.
- 未使用に近い:Almost Unused. Although a second-hand item, it has only been used a few times and shows no scratches or stains.
- 目立った傷や汚れなし:No Noticeable Scratches or Stains. A second-hand item that shows no visible scratches or stains.
- やや傷や汚れあり:A second-hand item with minor scratches or stains.
- 傷や汚れあり:A second-hand item with visible scratches or stains.
- 全体的に状態が悪い:Overall Poor Condition. A second-hand item with noticeable scratches, stains, or issues that affect its usability.
6 Specialized Terms for Seller Ratings
On Yahoo! Auction item pages, by clicking on the total rating score, a detailed feedback table will appear on another page. Below are the terms related to seller ratings.

- ☀️非常に良い:Very good
- ☀️良い:Good
- ☁️どちらでもない:Neither
- ☂️悪い:Bad
- ☂️非常に悪い:Very Bad
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